JUTAI Long Range RFID Reading System In parking system application
JUTAI a s an RFID manufacturer, We are provides customers with various RFID card reader solutions, including 13.56Mhz short-range reader , 125Khz medium range reader , long-distance UHF card reader and 2.45 G hz active long range reader . JUTAI 2.45 G hz active long distance reader is often used in the parking management system. According to the site environment, The PR-2S reader can reach 30 meters adjustable. 钜泰作为 RFID 生产厂家,提供客户各种 RFID 频段的读卡器方案,包括短距离 RFID 13.56Mhz, 中距离 125Khz, 长距离超高频读卡器, 2.45Ghz 长距离读卡器。钜泰的 2.45Ghz 有源长距离读卡器 PR-2S 常用于停车场车辆出入管理系统中,根据现场环境, PR-2S 的读取范围可达到 30 米可调。 P R -2s reader can penetrate the wall, Vkool, solar film, completely hands-free, so that customers do not need to open the Windows in rainy days, avoid being wet by rain, greatly reduce the risk of car robbery at the entrance, is the parking lot access management, personnel management, cargo tracking and other applications ideal solution. PR-2S 是可以穿透墙壁,车子 ...