
目前显示的是 八月, 2018的博文

high quality vehicle loop detector manufacture

High quality vehicle loop detector manufacture www.jutairfid.com info@jutairfid.com sales@jutairfid.com whatsapp:008613480128941 #AllLoopchannels #cross-talk #Plug-in #Loopfrequency #vehicles #loopdetectorforgate #loopdetectorforgate #loopdetectorwire #loopdetectorinstallation #loopdetectorprice #vehicleloopdetectorcable #inductiveloopdetectorcircuit #vehicleloopdetectorwiring

JUTAI LOOP Detector Application in traffic control system

We provide intelligent of loop detector products, which includes loop detector, loop detectors , inductive loop detector , gate loop detector ,ground loop detector,signal channel loop detector,dual channel loop detector .Advanced automatic equipment, scientific management system, strict standard production procedures , mature quality management and testing system, will fully ensure our products' quality. # includesloopdetector   # loopdetectors   # inductiveloopdetector # gateloopdete ctor   # groundloopdetector   # signalchannelloopdetector # dualchannelloopdetector # singleloopdetector #dualchannelloopdetector#tollsystemvehicledetectorsensor  # smallinductivevehicleloopdetectorforcarparkingsystem #inductivevehiclloopdetectorforcarparkinglotsystem  # inductiveloopsensor #inductiveloopsensorinaccesscontroller#inductibeloopvehicledetector#carloopdetector#digitalloopdetector#safetysensordetector#inductiveloopsafety#vehicledetectionssystems#loopdetectorforaut...

JUTAI High quality loop detector working with JUTAI LOOP Cable

Specification:Model:JTHT-11 size: 0.5m*2 Temperature:-65~+200℃ One roll length: 305m Material: Silicone rubber and stranded silver plated copper wire Color: Red  and Black Characters:It has excellent corrosion resistance,oil resistance, strong acid, strong alkali resistance, strong oxidant, etc; With excellent electrical insulation properties, resistant to high voltage, small loss at high frequency, no moisture absorption, insulation resistance; It has excellent flame resistance, aging resistance, long service life. # Loopdetectorwire   # loopdetector   # inductionloop   # switchloop   # trafficsensor # vehicledetectionsensor   # inductiveloopdetectorcircuit   # vehicleloopdetector # loopdetectorforgate   # loopdetctorinstallationprocedure   # trafficloopsinstallation # vehicleloopdetectorcable  #inductiveloopdetectorcircuit  # trafficsignalloopdetectorinsatllation   # arduinoinductiveloopsensor # singlechannelloopdetector ...

Intelligent traffic control system will deliver to africa,

 Intelligent traffic control system will deliver to africa,all of this use jutai vehicle loop detector.our vehicle loop detector not only used at parking system, but also can use at traffic control system, highway charging system   www.jutairfid.com #AllLoopchannels #cross-talk #Plug-in #Loopfrequency #vehicles #loopdetectorforgate #loopdetectorforgate #loopdetectorwire #loopdetectorinstallation #loopdetectorprice #vehicleloopdetectorcable #inductiveloopdetectorcircuit #vehicleloopdetectorwiring

JUTAI Sample Loop Order from different countries

JUTAI  sample orders for loop detectors from different country. 10units to Thailand 5units to Sri Lanka 20units to Kuwait Thank you for your support!we insist on our quality control.

20units loop detectors and 20pairs photocells

To Dubai 20units loop detectors and 20pairs photocells

44 loop cable sending already

44 loop cable sending already still has 900unit loop detector and 200 rolls cable waiting for deliver thank you for bro of malaysia kind supporting! #jutailoop #JUTAILOOPCable #jutailoopdetector #JUTAIDETECTORLOOP #JUTAIParkingguidance #JUTAIGuidanceSystem